High Powered Super Living Soil Combo with 20L Fabric Pot

$85.00 inc. GST

If you want to make the most out of our Super Living Soil, you might like to try out this High-Powered Combination… We are continually working on our Super Living Soil recipe and what works well with it and have found this recipe to work!

(We are not saying that this is the best or the only way, to use our soil and these selected amendments… We just know that they work!)

Guaranteed this is a good way to get the best flavours from your flowers! Yum!

The more that you grow with our soil and reuse (see below) our soil and give us feedback the more we learn to keep getting the most out of our organic grows.

1 x Measured Sachet of Mycos
3 x HPO Stone Age 50ml

1 x HPO Supergrass 125ml
1 x HPO Balance 125ml
1 x HPO Mega Yield 125ml

2.4g Rhizo-Mojo

1g Dark-Matter

4.5g Anti-Matter

2.25g Green Supreme

1.25g Ocean Potion

10g Aquamarine Grow

10g Aquamarine Bloom

227g (1 Cup) Worm Castings

Alfalfa Mulch 3L

Super Living Soil 20L

20L Fabric Pot

Clay Balls to fill bottom of the pot.

Measuring Spoons


Full product description

Feed Chart 20L

(Please note that this recipe is for 20L yet we feel that 40L is the ideal amount of soil or an organic grow. If you would like to make your order into a 40L grow, please order 2 and ask for a 40L pot in the comments.)

Prepare your pot by rinsing your clay balls that will form your base, as it allows air flow to your plant’s roots. Fill your fabric pot with Super Living Soil.

Give your soil a good water until you have plenty of runoff.

Make a well and ADD MYKOS® mycorrhizae is a natural and organic species of beneficial soil fungi that create a “sponge-like” mass which collects and stores nutrients and water, increasing the uptake of both.

ADD Your plant… (Making sure that your plant’s roots are touching the Mykos.)

Gently water again – Even if you have pre-moistened your soil, your plant roots, mykos and soil microbes ignite when water is introduced!

Alfa-Mulch – So why mulch? To give the full spectrum of what is available in your soil to your plants. Mulching prevents the top layer of soil from drying out, this means that it stays productive and full of beneficial microbes that in turn, feeds your plants. The top few inches of soil is a critical spot for the surface roots of your plants so keeping it healthy is of great importance.

ALFA-MULCH organic soil shield is a multi-use, premium soil covering designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Enhance water penetration
  • Retain soil moisture
  • Treat & Repel pests (Diatomite kills and repels pests by naturally disiccating them – rather than poisoning!)
  • Promote healthy plant growth
  • Foster microbial activity
  • Includes organic saponin, a natural surfactants, enhancing water penetration into the soil.

Now, there is no need to water the Alfa Mulch after application in fact it is better that you don’t  just in case there are any scaid flies in the mix. (It says on the back of the pack to not water for 24hours, we have found that 48hours works really well). Many species of Scarid Fly / Fungus gnats feed on rotting organic matter and therefore are a part of a healthy balanced ecosystem and are entirely harmless in small doses… It is better to prevent infestation as this will cause problems!

Water every 2 to 3 days… As there is Diatomacious earth in the mix, it absorbs up to 140% its weight in water. Creating a drought tolerant soil environment, allowing maximum aeration to the soil, it improves drainage, reduces compaction, provides a thermal barrier from heat and frozen environments, allows lateral movement of water and nutrients and won’t decompose, it is a natural available source of Silica and promotes healthy strong roots. Please note that if you are growing in an Airpot your soil will dry out quicker than in a fabric pot.

Week 1 Grow

After a week scrape back the Alfa Mulch and apply the following sachets in 1L of water; (Other Days – Just use water that has a pH of between 5.5 – 6.5.

Using included measuring spoons…

  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Dark-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Green-Supreme .15g (PINCH)
  • Aquamarine Grow .45g (TAD)
  • Ocean Potion ,25g (PINCH)

DARK MATTER is an advanced, living formulation comprising a curated selection of beneficial Fungi & Rhizobacteria in addition to potent, natural microbial & growth boosters, increases yield, improves end quality, along with the ability to resist and recover from common and pesky pathogens and insects!

Week 2 Grow

Scrape back the Alfa Mulch and apply the following sachets in 1L of water; (If you are using tap water let it sit for a couple of days so that the chlorine can off gas.)

  • Rhizo-Mojo .2 (PINCH)
  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Green-Supreme .3g (TAD)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

RHIZO-MOJO is the most potent rhizobacterial based biostimulant package created to date! A truly memorable experience for any plant that encounters it – and any gardener that uses it!

Week 3 Grow

Scrape back your Alfa Mulch and add the following sachets to 1L of water… (Remember that you are watering your plant on different days (at least 2) as well, this may be more or less than a L depending on temp, how much your plant is drinking/growing).

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green-Supreme .3g (DASH)
  • (All in your watering can.)
  • Herb-Superb SUPERGRASS 125g
  • Stone-Age 50ml
  • (Top dress – Using Stone-Age along side Herb-Superb to supply soil buffering and complimentary trace minerals.)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

ANTI-MATTER, the enzymes break down dead root matter, and tougher organic fractions into carbohydrates which in turn become food for the Enzyme Producers and other soil life, this then flows on to benefits for your plants by optimising rootzone conditions and allowing better nutrient uptake.

Week 4 Grow

Scrape back your Alfa Mulch and add the following sachets;

  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green-Supreme .45g (TAD)
  • Aqua-Marine Grow .45g (TAD)
  • Ocean-Potion .25g (PINCH)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

AQUA-MARINE boosts soil nutrient uptake, while at the same time provides immediately available – yet soil friendly N.P.K sources, in forms that are exceedingly bioavailable. Perfect for smaller soil container volumes, or intensively fed gardens. It fills in gaps in plant nutrition. Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

It is up to you how long your veg for, you might want to veg for up to 6 weeks! Depends on the size of your plant.

Although we have only included enough dry amendments for 4 weeks. If you want to veg longer, there is about 1g of aqua marine left over plus, there will be a little bit left of everything else. Use that and if you need more. Let us know.

After asking many growers we have found that it is advantageous to leave your plant in darkness for 36 hours when going from grow to flower. It speeds up the flowering process… They think that they could die, so as soon as there is light they flower to survive!

Week 1 Bloom

Scrape back your Alfa Mulch and add the following sachets;

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Aqua-Marine Bloom .45g (TAD)
  • Ocean-Potion .25g (PINCH)

OCEAN-POTION sea-minerals & kelp-karbs is a multifaceted organic booster, engineered to provide a range of awesome benefits to your grow. Providing quality sources of Calcium, Magnesium, Iron & a whole suite of trace minerals in highly bioavailable forms – all derived from Algal & Kelp sources.

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

Week 2 Bloom

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green-Supreme .3g (DASH)
  • Herb-Superb BALANCE FORMULA 125ml
  • Stone-Age 50ml

(Herb Superb – BALANCE FORMULA promotes and excellent framework for your plants, provides strong growth and fantastic quality flowers). Coupled with 50ml Stone Age for uptake.

Week 3 Bloom

Scrape back your Mulch and add to 1L of water;

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green-Supreme .3g (DASH)
  • Aqua Marine Bloom .45g (TAD)
  • Ocean-Potion .25g (PINCH)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

GREEN-SUPREME is a powerful growth elicitor, plant immunity booster, nutrient chelator and watering enhancer. It can be applied by root drench, foliar and even has the capability to boost the germination of seeds!

Week 4 Bloom

Scrape back your Mulch and add;

  • Dark-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green-Supreme .15g (PINCH)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed and water in.

MEGA YIELD is a bud building formulation, high in natural Potassium and Phosphorous, designed as a finishing stage for your garden.

Mega Yield is the Organic “yin” to STONE-AGE mineral composite’s “yang”. Combining the two produces unparalleled nutrition for your plants, capable of jaw dropping results.

Week 5 Bloom

Scrape back your mulch and top dress with HPO Herb Superb – MEGA YIELD FORMULA (Is a bud building formulation, high in natural Potassium and Phosphorous, designed as a finisher. It provides increased flower size, density and improved resin accumulation). Coupled with 50ml STONE AGE for uptake. PLUS WORM CASTINGS top dress with a cup’s worth/20L (this will also increase resin).

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green-Supreme .15g (PINCH)
  • Herb Superb – MEGA YIELD 125ml
  • Stone-Age 50ml
  • 1 Cup of Worm Castings

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed.

Worm castings are an excellent natural fertilizer that can help your plants reach their full potential during flowering. They are packed with beneficial nutrients and microorganisms. Microbes that boost plant growth and help fight off disease.

Week 6 Bloom

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Green Supreme .15g (PINCH)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed.

If at any point your fungus gnat population is getting out of control, you may need to get another bag of Alfalfa Mulch. Apply after watering… Leave for a couple of days then water in.

Week 7 Bloom

It is time to start finishing your plant, some plants will finish flowering in 8 weeks and others will take 12 weeks! (The best way to tell is through a microscope – need help with finding what you are looking for? Pop into the shop and you will be given a full explanation.) If you feel like you need more time blooming, use up all of your leftovers and if you need more – let us know. But just water should be fine!

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)
  • Aquamarine Bloom .45g (TAD)
  • Ocean Potion .25g (PINCH)

Reuse Alfalfa Mulch and add more if needed.

Week 8 Bloom

  • Anti-Matter .5g (TAD)
  • Rhizo-Mojo .2g (PINCH)

When your plant is ready leave her in the dark. It can range from 24 hours to 1 week or even more. One explanation of why dark before harvest improves the quality is that mild stress may increase the production of resin. Another way to stress your plants in a (supposedly) good way is to lower nighttime air temperature. Or even to cool down the root zone by watering your mature plants with ice-cold water. There may be some truth to it, so feel free to experiment. See if it turns your plant purple?

Re-using Your Super Living Soil

We suggest taking out the tap root and leaving the rest of the roots in we suggest using a 10g Sachet of H.P.O. Anti-Matter – the enzymes break down dead root matter, and tougher organic fractions into carbohydrates which in turn become food for the Enzyme Producers and other soil life, this then flows on to benefits for your plants by optimising rootzone conditions and allowing better nutrient uptake.

120g Southern No Till – Regenerate Organic Soil Nutrient Blend 3-4-3.

1L Worm Castings.

Water & rest for 48 hours prior to planting.

Happy Gardening… Please note that there is no rule book when it comes to using these organic gardening techniques… We are just suggesting what has worked for us, our customers and suppliers. Enjoy the delicious fruits of your labour. You really can’t beat it taste of organic produce made with love!

AGAIN… Please note that this recipe is for 20L, yet we feel that 40L is the ideal amount of soil or an organic grow. If you would like to make your order into a 40L grow, please order 2 and ask for a 40L pot in the comments.