Super Si 1L 100% Mono-Silicic Acid

$280.00 inc. GST

100% Mono – Silicic Acid 1L


Full product description

What is SuperSi?

SuperSI is the latest evolution in hydroponic nutrient technology! This powerful composite uses specialised, ultra-soluble nano-particulate silicic acid compounds alongside bioactive amino acids. The result for your garden? Powerful vegetative growth and heavy flowering plants!

This innovative solution encourages incredibly efficient silicate particle uptake without influencing your pH! Silicon will increase defence mechanisms against pest and disease, encourage strong stem & leaf cell growth, shorter internodal positioning, improved resistance to heat & cold stress whilst also providing significantly larger fruit & floral growth.

Organic Silicon is provided through natural beneficial bacterial interactions in soil. We accelerated this natural process to seriously enhance your crop! Ortho-Silicic Acids is a stabilised compound that converts into absorbable mono silicic acid when mixed in water.

SuperSi is the ultimate hydroponic or soil booster.! Although rapidly accelerated and powerful plant growth will occur; SuperSi contains NO synthetic PGRs or harmful chemicals.