Paludarium with Netlea Light and Fish
$600.00 inc. GST
It has been an absolute joy, making this attention grabbing Paludarium – from putting the Dragon Rock together with expandable foam, with the help and guidance from Gabriel @ School of Scape. To the Aquascaping with Bruce and his gorgeous aquatic plants. It is now home to a Blue Ram, Ember Tetra, Cardinal Tetras and Ben the Betta Fish.
FYI This growing trend’s name – Paludarium comes from; The Latin word “Palus” means marsh or swamp, and “arium” means a place.
You will notice that we have added a waterfall for your viewing and the plant’s pleasure! It has a really neat rainforest feel, that is fun to observe. Even being a smaller tank, this Paludarium gives off the feeling of a very rich ecosystem that many people have stopped and stood in the shop to enjoy.
This 40 x 40 x 40cm gift tank comes with the pictured full spectrum light Netlea Light, plus you will also receive 1 x Enzyme and 1 x Tap Dechlorinator 100ml.
Full product description
This type of environment can be fairly self-maintaining and worth any extra upkeep due to the added variety and range of eye-catcing options, that this tank brings. If you compare it to a 100% aquascaping setup, the amount of time and effort required is far lower. The plants help purify the water and the fogger helps humidify the plants higher up the rock, (at this time of year the tank is being topped up around 3L / week).
As much as we have thoroughly enjoyed having this beautiful creation, it is time for it to find a loving home. We would like to make another one! Paludariums are great! You can include a much wider range of creatures, as well as a whole range of freshwater fish, you can also include shrimps, newts, crabs and even turtles!
Stay tuned to see the next creation… But for now, we have a feeling that this will make a wonderful gift… A living gift! To be loved and cared for, the fish have wonderful personalities and feeding them won’t break the budget! Infact there is only the power, water and food costs ongoing.