New Zealand Tree Fern – Soft Tropical Substrate 10L

$50.00 inc. GST

We are super happy to now be able to offer Fernwood Treefern fibre to our rare plant customers. This product is really popular and promoted by the ‘Sydney Plant Guy’ we really believe in it as It’s sustainable, long lasting and has amazing moisture retention. It’s great for your potting mix, or and a stand alone mix in either pots, supports, or both.


Full product description

Fernwood Soft Tree Fern Substrate is made from a native New Zealand Tree Fern and is soft, spongy and has fantastic moisture holding abilities. It is an excellent growing substrate for many different plant types including epiphytes, orchids, and ferns.

It has the ability to retain moisture for a long period of time without bogging and encourages healthy growth. It is also an excellent hydroponic substrate.

All Fernwood Products are manufactured from New Zealand Tree Fern, which is sustainably harvested from privately owned forests.

To read more on this product, check out the news page on their website: