House I Garden Top Shooter 500ml

$170.00 inc. GST

House & Garden Top Shooter forces your plants into starting a new flowering cycle after the regular cycle has stopped, significantly increasing the fruit’s total weight. The extra yield after applying this agent will surprise even the most seasoned grower. Top Shooter creates a new layer on top of the existing fruit! Output increases of up to 20% can be reached this way and are very common.


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Use Top Shooter at the end of the flowering period, for the final three weeks of flowering.

Start with 1ml/L in the last three weeks before harvest.

The increase to 2ml/L in the last two weeks before harvest (if the plant is healthy and has responded well!)

Finish with 2ml/L in the last week before harvest. ​

Only use Top Shooter when your plants are sufficiently healthy, it is a very strong agent that requires a lot from your plant. Always adjust the EC value of your base nutrient accordingly. Do not use Top Shooter in combination with any other PK booster. Always start at half strength (1ml/L) and see how your plants respond.

Do not exceed maximum EC level for the type of plants you are growing. Monitor EC and your plant’s health closely when using Top Shooter.