Grow Safe – Spreadable Soil Microbes 3kg Tub

$33.00 inc. GST

Grow Safe® Spreadable Microbes are concentrated soil probiotics + trace elements. These beneficial bacteria & fungi improve plant germination, root health, nutrient access and composting.


Full product description

Grow Safe® Spreadable Microbes are naturally occurring bacteria and fungi, cultivated as a probiotic concentrate and coated on trace elements. Spreadable Microbes have fourteen strains of freeze-dried microbes to improve plant germination, root health, water storage and nutrient access. Grow Safe® Spreadable Microbes:

  • Facilitate water & nutrient uptake
  • Improve root establishment
  • Enhance germination & growth
  • Restore soil health & vitality
  • Expedite home composting
  • Fortified with sixty trace elements
  • Backed by years of independent research and trial data
  • Australian Made & Owned

Grow Safe® Spreadable Microbes are encapsulated with fourteen strains of soil microbes, including;

Azotobacter – Free-living bacteria that draw atmospheric nitrogen into the soil.

Bacilli – Bacteria that assist in soil conditioning, accessing nutrient reserves and building soil structure.

Mycorrhizae – Fungi that assist mineral uptake and nutrient recycling processes in plants, including locked-up or in-soluble elements.

Pseudomonas – Soldier bacteria that help protect the plant root zone from within the soil profile.

Trichoderma – Fungi that improve plant health and natural immunity by acting as natural pathogen antagonists.

The concentration of bacteria & fungi in Spreadable Microbes are expressed as Colony Forming Units (CFU/g). The trace elements in Spreadable Microbes are derived from natural rock-mineral ores and facilitate microbial delivery.