Great White Premium Mycorrhizae 150g
$65.00 inc. GST
Great White Mycorrhizae (“Mykos”) is the most complete mycorrhizal product on the market. We’ve used it with great success with seedlings and transplanting in Soil, Coco, Hydroponic Systems and have proven to be good in Aquaponics Systems too!
Full product description
This cutting edge formula contains:
- 15 different species of mycorrhizal fungi
- 19 different species of beneficial bacteria
- 2 species of trichoderma
- Plant vitamins
- Glycine
Great White’s premium and concentrated formula aids optimum colonisation of root systems by the fungi. The water soluble powder makes application a snap and delivers the spores directly to the roots for immediate germination. Users should look for explosive root development, enhanced yields, fruiting and flowering, nutrient and water absorption and transplant success.